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What 110 Year Old Flossie Dickey Taught Me About Winning at Life

What 110 Year Old Flossie Dickey Taught Me About Winning at Life
Laura Moriarity

If you haven’t seen the interview with 110 year old Flossie Dickey you are in for a treat. The woman has got it figured out. Here are a few life lessons her short interview taught me, and they might just help you too.


Take naps

Flossie takes as many naps as she can. In a world that seems to reward business and stress, maybe taking a nap once in a while might not be such a bad idea.


Tell it like it is

If the flowers aren’t going to stay put, don’t pretend they will. If you aren’t excited about the birthday party, don’t pretend you are. Just tell it like it is. Flossie doesn’t beat around the bush–probably a lesson I can learn when it comes to expressing how I feel.

Don’t pretend just because you have an audience

Flossie does not need to impress anyone. She knows who she is and nevermind what other people would like her to do. The audience expects food secrets and excitement about a party but Flossie just wants a nap. I want to stand a little more firm in what I really want, instead of pretending I want what everyone else expects.


Don’t fight it, live it

Flossie takes life as it comes, instead of fighting it, she lives it. I want to stop fighting against life too. It is happening, so pay attention to right now.

Have a whisky straight-up every night

I mean, if that isn’t winning at life I don’t know what is.


I don’t know about you, but Flossie has it figured out. She is an inspiration and in celebration of Flossie’s wisdom and her 110th birthday I am going to go take a nap, and you should too.

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