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1 Podcast You Don’t Want to Miss This Week

1 Podcast You Don’t Want to Miss This Week

Dr. Christopher Phelps (one of our stellar contributors) was recently featured on The Dental Hacks Podcast…and spoiler…he killed it.


You don’t want to miss this episode.


He also let us in on a few nuggets of wisdom regarding participating in podcasting, here is what he had to say:

Q: How can participating in podcasts (or doing your own) help your business?

A: Participating in a podcast is a great way to gain exposure to your business and promote your company’s message. The key is to make sure you are providing some great content. i.e. some actionable items that anyone listening can implement immediately in their practice. This will add tremendous value for those who listen and help spread your message among a broader base then you ever could trying to talk to people one on one.

Q: What is the difference between podcasting and other types of presenting?

A: Even though I speak to groups all over the US, Canada, the UK and Australia, for me talking into a microphone with no one looking back at you seemed a little daunting at first. I rely on people’s looks, body language, etc to test their engagement and to see if the message I’m talking about is being received favorably or not. If not then I know I need to adjust. That’s why I don’t think I could just start my own podcast and just talk to no one. I prefer the podcasts that are interview style. Even though it’s definitely a more Intimate setting it allows me to focus on my message and speak as if I’m talking to a friend.

Q: Any other tips you can share?

A: You definitely want to have a good internet connection and audio capabilities. Luckily, today’s laptops are more than up for the task.


Thanks Dr. Phelps!


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