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Should You Write a Book?

Should You Write a Book?
Laura Moriarity

Have you ever thought about writing a book? Would you describe yourself as an idea-entrepreneur?


“…an individual, usually a content expert and often a maverick, whose main goal is to influence how other people think and behave in relation to their cherished topic. These people don’t seek power over others and they’re not motivated by the prospect of achieving great wealth. Their goal is to make a difference, to change the world in some way.”


If so, a book may be the perfect medium to change the course of your profession or your passion. I know what you are thinking…I have a blog, a Twitter account, a Facebook page and I write and publish articles, is a book really necessary? Well, that depends. Here are a few things that I would argue ONLY a book can do for you and your career:


1. Establish you as the expert in a given area.

The old adage rings true. If you have written the book on a topic, your colleagues and peers know you have literally “written the book on it” –meaning you are the most informed, most experienced and most passionate about the topic.  As John Butman accurately states: “Charlie Rose rarely says, “My next guest has just posted a cat video.”

2. A book is a gateway

Having a book opens the door to so many other things: interviews, articles, press releases, speaking engagements, lectures i.e. MORE ATTENTION to all of your other ventures. If people come for your book, they stay for all the other amazing things you have created.


3. Books are (arguably) the most respected medium

Let’s face it. Blogs are cool and Tweets are entertaining, but writing a book is like running a marathon. It is not for the faint of heart. It shows guts and effort and passion. Most don’t write a book because it is hard. BUT, if you do it, the benefits are far greater and far reaching than a simpler form of content.


4. Books are a marketing investment

Contrary to popular dream sequences, writing a book will not make you rich. In fact, these days the opposite is true. You likely won’t make much money. However, the money isn’t in book sales. A book is a marketing investment. It is a calling card, a trophy, a soapbox, an invitation to those in your field to come to you for more. When you use it as a marketing tool and view it as a marketing investment you realize its true value.


5. Authoring a book is badass

Probably the best reason to write a book is it puts you in the company of the elite. Those that can persevere through hardship and boredom. Those that believe in their idea so strongly they are willing to sacrifice to get it in print. Books are manifestations of ones energy, purpose, artistic skill and heart. They aren’t easy, but they are worth it.

If you have what it takes, the idea, the content and the drive, but don’t have the time to organize outlines, edit drafts, physically type the 25,000 words, format the final draft for print you are lucky to live in this day in age. With Soapbox Books, a team of experts will conduct a voice-to-verse interview, transcribe the content that will become your book and do all of the boring, tedious stuff for you. You will author your book without ever typing a word. A bookstore quality book without the daily hours of work are at your fingertips.


Article originally published here, republished with permission.

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