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How to write a job ad that attracts rockstar applicants

How to write a job ad that attracts rockstar applicants
Laura Hatch

 It’s a simple rule: Boring job ads attract boring resumes. You’ve got to sell the opportunity and make the open position be the job that your perfect candidate has been waiting for.


The key to composing such an ad comes down to focusing on what the candidate doesn’t know (yet).

First, think about what your best employees would say about the work environment. Do they appreciate the ability to earn merit pay by hitting quarterly milestones? Do they like the family atmosphere and the staff potluck on the last Friday of every month? Is it the fact that your office provides continuing education to staff on a frequent basis? Make a list of features that will be seen as attractive to the type of job applicants you want.

The ad needs to be explicit about bonuses and extras, not just candidate requirements. In other words–they are interviewing you too! Acknowledge outright that the hiring process is a two way street and give your candidates a reason to WANT to work for you.



Now, look at the job ads of your competitors. Notice where they fall flat. Are they too vague? Is the language boring? Do they describe the open position as “desirable” or “rewarding” but not explain why? Use these job ads as inspiration to do the opposite in your own. Be specific, engaging, and compelling.

Highly qualified candidates are looking for more than just a job–they want a position that will be challenging and personally rewarding.

Your next great hire will read your competitor’s job ad—which is just like all of the other lackluster ads out there—and think, “Maybe I should apply for this, just to increase my chance of getting hired somewhere.” But the moment he or she reads YOUR ad, there will be immediate recognition and excitement: “Wow, this is just what I’m looking for! I’ve got to submit my resume right now.”

Your extra effort crafting a compelling job ad is guaranteed that to pay off.


In the next installment of Hiring Rock Star Employees, I’ll talk about what to do when you’ve got a flood of fantastic resumes and need to narrow down your hiring options.

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